The Magic Baton

Age: 5-7

19th to 28th November

This online show will be available to watch between the dates above. Please note that once you start watching you have 24 hours to finish watching the whole show


30 Minutes

English with Maltese and English Subtitles


7 Euros

For yet another collaboration, Toi Toi and ŻiguŻajg have teamed up to introduce young audiences to the marvellous world of opera.

Our story starts at Teatru Manoel, the National Theatre of Malta, where a young boy has fallen asleep during the opera. When he wakes up, he has a baton in his hands. Unaware of its purpose, he starts waving it around, hoping something exciting happens. Next thing he knows, he’s been transported to a strange place surrounded by very vocal strangers…

Toi Toi u ŻiguŻajg jintroduċu d-dinja miraveljuża tal-opera.

L-istorja tagħna tibda fit-Teatru Manoel, it-Teatru Nazzjonali ta’ Malta, hekk kif tifel żgħir tmur għajnu bih f’nofs Opera li kien qed jsegwi. Meta jqum, jirrealizza li għandu baketta f’idu. Għalkemm ma jkollux idea x’għandu jagħmel biha, jibda jxejjirha ‘l hemm u ‘l hawn bit-tama li jseperjenza xi ħaġa eċċitanti. Kull ma jaf hu li stenbah f’post stramb mdawwar bi stranġieri vokali ħafna….

Director & Book: Petra Sant
Creative Producer & Book: Kate Fenech Field
Conductor: Riccardo Bianchi
Composer: Veronique Vella
Costume & Digital Design: Isabel Warrington
Stage Manager & Props: Nicole Sciberras
Cast: Dorothy Bezzina, Cliff Zammit Stevens, Miguel Rosales, Francesca Aquilina, Giles Rooney