The Gruffalo: © Orange Eyes Limited 2009

The Gruffalo

Age: 2-4

Sunday 19th December at 11am

One child ticket includes admittance of one accompanying guardian. Any other accompanying guardian will need to purchase a normal adult ticket.


30 Minutes


Cinema - Spazju Kreattiv

Adults 7 Euros Children 5 Euros

A half hour animated film based on the classic picture book written by Julia Donaldson and illustrated by Axel Scheffler. The Gruffalo tells the magical tale of a mouse who takes a walk though the woods in search of a nut. Encountering three predators – all of whom wish to eat him – a fox, an owl and a snake – the plucky mouse has to use his wits to survive. He announces that he is meeting a monster with terrible features, a ‘Gruffalo’, and the three predators are each panicked into running away. The mouse is now increasingly confident that there is nothing that can touch him, or so he thinks. When he rounds a corner and comes face to face with the terrible creature of his imagination, the Gruffalo itself, the mouse has to dig deep to escape the danger and find peace at last in the woods.

Film animat ta’ nofs siegħa bbażat fuq il-ktieb tal-istampi klassiku miktub minn Julia Donaldson u bi stampi ta’ Axel Scheffler. The Gruffalo jirrakkonta l-ħrafa maġika ta’ ġurdien li jmur mixja fil-bosk biex ifittex lewża. Meta jiltaqa’ ma’ tliet predaturi – li kollha jkunu jixtiequ jikluh – volpi, kokka u serp – il-ġurdien kuraġġuż ikollu juża moħħu biex jibqa’ ħaj. Iħabbar li ser ikun qed jiltaqa’ ma’ mostru b’karatteristiċi terribbli, “Gruffalo”, u b’hekk it-tliet predaturi jippanikjaw u jaħarbu. Il-ġurdien jibda jħossu dejjem aktar kunfidenti li xejn ma jista’ jagħmillu ħsara, jew għallinqas hekk jaħseb. Imbagħad f’mument idur kantuniera u jsib ma’ wiċċu l-kreatura terribbli tal-immaġinazzjoni tiegħu, il-Gruffalo nnifsu, u l-ġurdien ikollu jħaffer fil-fond biex jirnexxilu jaħrab mill-periklu u fl-aħħar isib il-paċi fil-bosk.

Director & Writer/Adapter: Jakob Schuh
Director & Writer/Adapter: Max Lang
Producer: Michael Rose
Producer: Martin Pope
Author: Julia Donaldson
Illustrator: Alex Scheffler

Mother Squirrel: Helena Bonham Carter
Mouse: James Corden
Fox: Tom Wilkinson
Owl: John Hurt
Snake: Rob Brydon
Gruffalo: Robbie Coltrane

Event Tickets

Health Authority Guidlines
All ticket holders above the age of 12 need to present a vaccination certificate together with an ID card.
Children under the age of 12 years need not have a test result so long as they are accompanied
by a parent/guardian who is in possession of a valid COVID-19 vaccine certificate.
Pregnant persons need to present a certificate from a medical practitioner and a negative rapid test done 24 hours before the event or a negative PCR test done within 72 hours from the start of the event.
All patrons should be wearing a mask throughout the performance/activity.
Organisers shall have the right of refusal of entry if a patron if visibly unwell.
Entrance to all venues is subject to temperature checks. Any person registering a higher temperature then 37.2 degrees Celsius will be denied access.
Unattended Children Policy
To ensure the safest environment for our young audiences Fondazzjoni Kreattivita’ does not allow children to be left unattended during any performance or activity. Guardiansshould always be present before, during and after an event.
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