
Age: 8+

19th to 28th November

This online show will be available to watch between the dates above. Please note that once you start watching you have 72 hours to finish watching the three episodes


3 episodes 10-15 mins each

English with Maltese and English Subtitles


7 Euros

Once upon a time, there lived a princess who was locked up in the highest tower. On her 18th birthday, she escaped thanks to a charming prince who climbed to save her.

Well, that was Rapunzel’s story. Now we’re fast forwarding to about a 100 years later, where there’s another girl locked in a tower, called Rapunzella. But being locked in a tower has been given a bit of an upgrade since the days of old. To Rapunzella’s great delight, the ancient tower has been modernised to suit a 21st century teenager’s needs. She spends most of her time scrolling through feeds and stories with her best friend Pippa.

Pippa is the best. She gets her whatever she needs, can sing to any subject, and is always on about the latest trends on social media. However, she’s really curious to know why Rapunzella never left the tower.

Why is she so scared to leave?

Darba waħda, ħafna żmien ilu, kien hemm prinċipessa maqfula f’wieħed mill-ogħla torrijiet, iżda f’għeluq it-tmintax-il sena tagħha bl-għajnuna ta’ prinċep ġustuż irnexxielha taħrab.
Bażikament, din hi l-istorja popolari ta’ Rapunzel, imma issa ejjew imorru lil hinn, ngħidu aħna xi 100 sena wara din il-ġrajja.

Dan iwasslna biex niltaqgħu ma’ tfajla simili, għal darba oħra tinsab tgħix maqfula f’torri, tfajla bl-isem ta’ Rapunzella. Bid-differenza li t-torri antik imsemmi fil-ġrajja preċedenti issa ġie mmodernizzat sabiex tgħix fih żagħżugħa tas-seklu wieħed u għoxrin. Rapunzella tqatta’ l-maġġorparti tal-ġurnata tagħha tqalleb fil-feeds u l istories flimkien mal-aqwa ħabiba tagħha Pippa.

Pippa hija ħabiba tal-ġenn, kemm minħabba li tipprovdilha kulma tkun teħtieġ, kemm għax kapaċi tkanta fuq kwalunkwe suġġett, kif ukoll minħabba li żżomm ruħha aġġornata rigward l-aħħar tendenzi esposti fuq il-midja soċjali. Minkejja dan kollu, Pippa tinsab kurjuża għall-aħħar biex tiskopri għaliex Rapunzella qatt ma telqet mit-torri.

Għaliex tinsab daqshekk beżgħana sabiex taħrab?

Rapunzella: Denise Mercieca
Pippa: Marilyn Aquilina

Writer & Director: Neil Grima
Music & Lyrics: Matteo Depares
Set Design & Project Manager: Maxine Buttigieg Belli
Dramaturg: Eliza Aquilina