The Whimsical Adventures of Smart and Bart - Series

The Whimsical Adventures of Smart and Bart – Series

8-10 years

The Lizard of Filfla
Saturday 17th July 2021 11am
Saturday 17th July 2021 3pm
Saturday 17th July 2021 6pm
Sunday 18th July 2021 11am

Adventure / Myths / Legends

40-50 Minutes


studio a

In a faraway land…in a forest, around a fire are two exhausted adventurers. Sean Smart is known for his studious nature, a walking encyclopedia some might say; he knows all there is to know about Mythology and is a great artist. Jeremiah Bart is his associate and is known for his bravery, known for his sword and spear skills. The Dramatic Duo (so-called by the King) has been tasked to do research on behalf of the kingdom and also fix their own mistakes…by royal decree!

Producer/Director: Jeremy Grech
Creative Team: Jeremy Grech & Sean Briffa

Ġo post, il-bogħod minn kollox, ġo foresta, mdawrin man-nar, insibu żewġ tipi avventurużi għajjenin! Sean Smart magħruf għall-istudju tiegħu u Jeremiah Bart magħruf għall-ispirtu ta’ ġellied! Flimkien il-Kopja Drammatika ġew mitluba jagħmlu riċerka mingħand ir-re, u biex isolvu il-problemi li jikrejaw huma stess…