The Gruffalo's Child

Age: 2 – 4

  • Saturday 24th of December – 11 am


30 mins


Cinema at Spazju Kreattiv

Adults €8
Children €5

A half hour animated film based on the best-selling children’s picture book by author Julia Donaldson and illustrator Axel Scheffler.

One wild and windy night, the Gruffalo’s child ignores her father’s warnings and bravely tiptoes out into the snow in search of the Big Bad Mouse. She meets Snake, Owl and Fox but no sign of the fabled Mouse. He doesn’t really exist… or does he? A companion film to the hugely successful The Gruffalo.

Film animat ta’ nofs siegħa bbażat fuq il-ktieb bl-istampi tat-tfal, li hu fost l-iktar kotba mibjugħa, miktub mill-awtur Julia Donaldson u illustrat minn Axel Scheffler.

Lejla waħda ta’ maltemp u riħ qawwi, it-tifla tal-Gruffalo tinjora t-twissija ta’ missierha u b’kuraġġ toħroġ barra fil-borra fuq ponot subgħajha biex tfittex il-Ġurdien il-Kattiv u l-Kbir. Hija tiltaqa’ mas-Serp, mal-Kokka u mal-Volpi, iżda ma jkun hemm l-ebda sinjal tal-famuż Ġurdien. Dan mhux veru jeżisti… jew veru jeżisti? Film li jakkumpanja l-film ta’ suċċess kbir “The Gruffalo”.

Cast and Creative Team

Directed by Johannes Weiland & Uwe Heidschötter

Based on the Book ‘The Gruffalo’s Child’ by Julia Donaldson & Axel Scheffler

Adapted by Julia Donaldson & Johanna Stuttmann

Music Composed by René Aubry

Voices of Helena Bonham Carter, Rob Brydon, Robbie Coltrane, James Corden, Shirley Henderson, John Hurt & Tom Wilkinson


Magic Light Pictures in association with Studio Soi
Produced by Michael Rose, Daryl Shlute & Martin Pope
Manager: Sabrina Schmid Associate
Orange Eyes Limited 2011