Ninni Ninni

Age: 2-4

Friday 15th April 2022 at 18:30
Saturday 16th April 2022 at 11:00
Saturday 16th April 2022 at 17:00
Sunday 17th April 2022 at 11:00
Sunday 17th April 2022 at 17:00

One child ticket includes admittance of one accompanying guardian. Any other accompanying guardian will need to purchase a normal adult ticket.

Lullabies / Jazz / Animation

45 mins


Studio A

Adults 8 Euros Children and Babies 5 Euros

Kemm-il darba smajna l-għanja tal-Milied, “Ninni la tibikix iżjed, ninni Ġesù Bambin”. Din hija propju għanja biex traqqad lit-tfal. Il-kelma Ninni hija l-kelma Maltija għal meta jsir ħin l-irqad għat-tfal. Ġejja mit-Taljan fejn il-kelma ‘ninnare’ għandha propju din it-tifsira; tpoġġi lit-tfal biex jorqdu. F’dan il-każ Ninni,ninni huwa proġett multi-dixxiplinarju li jgħaqqad flimkien id-dinja tal-jazz mad-dinja tal-animazzjoni. Permezz ta’ dawn id-dixxiplini se niskopru għanjiet tal-irqad differenti minn madwar id-dinja. Iċ-ċkejken ors polari bl-isem Ninni joħlom waqt li ommu tkantalu biex jorqod. Fil-ħolma Ninni jdur id-dinja u jiskopri l-għanjiet tal-irqad mill-kontinenti kollha. Il-mużika kollha hija interpretata live minn kwartett jazz.

“Ninni la tibikix iżjed, ninni Ġesù Bambin”, how many times have we heard this Christmas Carol, which is also a lullaby? Ninni is the word Maltese parents use with babies and toddlers when it is time for them to sleep.

In fact, this word is etymologically derived from the Italian word ninnare, which means “to lull a baby to sleep”. In this case, Ninni, ninni is a multi-disciplinary project that amalgamates the world of jazz and animation into one, by exploring lullabies from around the world. While Ninni’s mother sings him to sleep to calm him down, he dreams of going into a journey to finding a new home to rest in. Through his journey, this baby polar bear will be discovering several lullabies from around the world, which will be interpreted by a live jazz quartet.

Curator, Co-Writer & Vocalist: Christian Debono
Drummer: Luke Briffa
Bassist: Oliver Degabriele
Guitarist: Warren Galea
Director of Animation & Co-Writer: Inez Kristina Baldacchino
Animator: Magda Azab
Animator: Isabelle Bernard Thulstrup
Additional Animation: Jesper Andkjær Poulsgærd
Production Coordinator: Ann-Marie Camilleri

Event Tickets

Health Authority Guidlines
All patrons should be wearing a mask throughout the performance/activity.
Organisers shall have the right of refusal of entry if a patron if visibly unwell.
Entrance to all venues is subject to temperature checks. Any person registering a higher temperature then 37.2 degrees Celsius will be denied access.
Unattended Children Policy
To ensure the safest environment for our young audiences Fondazzjoni Kreattivita’ does not allow children to be left unattended during any performance or activity. Guardiansshould always be present before, during and after an event.
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