Polly And Esther

Age 2-4

19th to 28th November

This online show will be available to watch between the dates above. Please note that once you start watching you have 24 hours to finish watching the whole show


30 Minutes

English with Maltese and English Subtitles


7 Euros

Polly and Esther have gone head to head as the unchallenged champions of the Carnival Costume Competition since 2017. This year, they both want to wear the same dress… so who’s going to win?

Join them on their adventure to a wonderful wardrobe world of colourful costumes and patterns, as they discover how to work as a team to win the competition together, not as rivals but as friends.

Polly u Esther huma żewġt kompetituri li ilhom fi sfida għar-rebħa tal-kompetizzjoni tal-kostumi tal-Karnival mill-2017. Din is-sena jridu jilbsu l-istess libsa, allura, min se jirbaħ?

Ingħaqdu magħhom fuq avventura fid-dinja tal-kostumi mimlija kuluri u disinni hekk kif jitagħlmu jaħdmu flimkien sabiex jirbħu bħala ħbieb u mhux bħala għedewwa.

Director: Chiara Hyzler
Performers: Sandie von Brockdorff & Nicola Azzopardi
Stage Manager: Lisa Mifsud Bonnici
Set Designer and Production: Mattea Fenech
Musical Composer: Luke Saydon