Phora 10 XS


19th to 28th November

This online show will be available to watch between the dates above. Please note that once you start watching you have 24 hours to finish watching the whole show


25 Minutes



7 Euros

Imagine a world so very far away, in a galaxy beyond the brightest stars. There lies a world called Phora10 XS, where creatures are as familiar as they are not. They see, they hear, they taste, they smell… they feel. Behold the Homophoras, as its people are called. Behold their hopes and dreams, dreams of being loved and wanted. They are just like us, not unlike us. But their hopes may seem lost when one of their own is born different…

Immaġina dinja Ħafna, u ħafna ‘il bogħod Fil-galassja lil hinn mill-istilel ileqqu Dinja msejħa Phora10x Fejn kreaturi, kbar u żgħar Huma familjari daqskemm m’humiex Jaraw, jisimgħu, idduqu, jxommu u jħossu. Ara l-Omofora, kif jissejħu n-nies tagħha, Ara t-tamiet u l-ħolm tal-familja u l-ħbieb; Ħolm li jkunu maħbuba u mfittxa. Imma bħalna Mhux aktar differenti minna It-tamiet tagħhom jistgħu jidhru mitlufin meta titwieled waħda minnhom… differenti …

Artistic Direction/Choreography: Dorian Mallia
Music Composition: Albert Garzia
Script and Narration: Erica Muscat
Headdresses: Dorian Mallia
Light Design: Dorian Mallia
Set Design: Dorian Mallia
Stage Manager: Annalisa Schembri
Set Construction: Claudio Apap
Costumes: Doris Mallia
Dancers: Diane Portelli, Elena Bickle, Gabriele Farinacci, Cindelle Bouard, Charlotte Carpentier, Francisco Camarneiro

Resource Pack