Kids Dig Science

Age: 8-10

Saturday 5th March 2022 at 3pm
Sunday 6th March 2022 at 11am
Saturday 2nd April 2022 at 3pm Postponed
Sunday 3rd April 2022 at 11am  Cancelled
Saturday 7th May 2022 at 3pm
Sunday 8th May 2022 at 11am

Storytelling / Interactivity / Fantasy

1hr 45mins


Studio B and Studio A

6.00 Euros

The Kids Dig Science 2021-2022 by the Malta Chamber of Scientists introduces ‘We are the World’ at Ziguzajg, a series of shows about the biodiversity of our Islands. Sean Briffa and Jeremy Grech will spotlight the dangers the environment is facing while bringing animals and plants to life in the most exhilarating of ways.

What we’re really excited about this year is the collaboration with NGOs working to support the habitats of our unique flora and fauna, ensuring young audiences are equipped with all they need to know. Helping them become the superheroes we need to save nature. Together with our puppets, the kids will need to find solutions to help save animals and plants from the issues they face in today’s harsh reality.

Every performance is followed by a hands-on workshop, giving our superheroes a memorable experience, encouraging them to delve deeper into the world of science and creativity.

L-avvenimenti ta’ Kids Dig Science fil-programm 2021-2022 mill-Kamra tax-Xjentisti ta’ Malta jintroduċi ‘We are the World’ fl-istaġun ta’ Żigużajġ, sensiela ta’ wirjiet dwar il-bijodiversità tal-Gżejjer tagħna. Sean Briffa u Jeremy Grech se jenfasizzaw il-perikli li qed jiffaċċja l-ambjent flimkien ma’ annimali u pjanti bl-aktar modi exhilarating.

Din is-sena ser tkun speċjali għax l-avvenimenti ser jinkorporaw kollaborazzjonijiet ma’ NGOs differenti li jaħdmu biex jappoġġaw il-ħabitats tal-flora u l-fawna uniċi tagħna, filwaqt li niżguraw li l-udjenzi żgħażagħ ikunu mgħammra b’dak kollu li għandhom bżonn ikunu jafu. Ngħinuhom isiru s-supereroj li għandna bżonn biex insalvaw in-natura. Flimkien mal-pupazzi tagħna, it-tfal ikollhom isibu soluzzjonijiet biex jgħinu jsalvaw l-annimali u l-pjanti mill-kwistjonijiet li jiffaċċjaw fir-realtà ħarxa tal-lum.

Kull prestazzjoni hija segwita minn workshop prattiku, li jagħti lis-supereroj tagħna esperjenza memorabbli, u jħeġġiġhom jidħlu aktar fil-fond fid-dinja tax-xjenza u l-kreattività.

Manager: Karen Fiorini
Script Writer and Puppeteer: Sean Briffa
Actor: Jeremy Grech

Event Tickets

Health Authority Guidlines
All patrons should be wearing a mask throughout the performance/activity.
Organisers shall have the right of refusal of entry if a patron if visibly unwell.
Entrance to all venues is subject to temperature checks. Any person registering a higher temperature then 37.2 degrees Celsius will be denied access.
Unattended Children Policy
To ensure the safest environment for our young audiences Fondazzjoni Kreattivita’ does not allow children to be left unattended during any performance or activity. Guardiansshould always be present before, during and after an event.
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