It's Reigning Cats and Dogs

Age: 2 – 4

  • Saturday 26th November 2022 | 10:00, 11:30, 16:30
  • Sunday 27th November 2022 | 11:30, 16:30


30-45 minutes


Studio A, Spazju Kreattiv

Adults €8
Children €5

It’s Reigning Cats and Dogs is a fun-packed production aimed at 2- to 4-year-olds. It is a promenade through some of the most well-known melodies played by three woodwind instruments – the clarinet, the oboe and the bassoon – portraying the daily shenanigans of a cat and dog, and their beloved servant, ahem, owner.

It’s Reigning Cats and Dogs‘ hija produzzjoni mmirata għat-tfal ta’ bejn it-2 u l-4 snin. Il-klarinett, l-oboe u l-bassoon, tliet strumenti mill-familja tal-“woodwinds”, jeħduna mixja qalb xi wħud mill-iktar melodiji popolari tal-mużika klassika, li jirrakkuntaw il-praspar ta’ kelb u qattus, flimkien mal-maħbub serv, ahem, sid tagħhom.

Cast and Creative Team

Conceived, Devised, and Directed by: Stephen Oliver and Daniela Said
Music Arrangements/Transcriptions: Miguel Rosales
Musicians: Karl Camilleri (clarinet), John McDonough (oboe), Maria Spiteri Zahra (bassoon)
Actors: Amy Grech and Clayton Mallia