
Age: 2 – 4

  • Friday 24th February 2023 at 9:30 (Schools)
  • Friday 24th February 2023 at 11:30 (Schools)
  • Saturday 25th February 2023 at 11:00
  • Saturday 25th February 2023 at 17:00
  • Sunday 26th February 2023 at 11:00
  • Sunday 26th February 2023 at 13:00

Performing Arts

35 mins


Studio A

Adults €8
Children €5

I can see a square. Is it a house?
There’s a noise coming from inside. What’s happening over there?
Suddenly a flap opens. Could
t here be something inside?

What could be inside? Or rather, who could be inside?

Hermit is an imaginative performance about a teeny tiny house. The owner isn’t home. But we can hear him… A show about being alone and coming home.


“(…) And finally, for a near-perfect combination of movement and human voice in children’s theatre, there’s no need to look any further than Simone De Jong of the Netherlands’ exquisitely funny show Hermit, for children aged two to six. On stage, there’s a box that turns out to be someone’s home; but in true lockdown style, the person who lives there has become a hermit, not at all happy to hear his doorbell ring. Around that simple idea, De Jong and performer Toon Kuijpers build a gorgeous 40-minute show that fully involves the children in the audience in a vital, laughter-filled interaction with the hermit on stage; in a performance that fully captures the joy of this year’s Children’s Festival, and the sheer quality of the live work it features, after two long years of lockdown.” – The Scotsman

Qed nara kaxxa. Dik dar?Hemm il-ħsejjes ġejjin minn ġewwa. X’inhu jiġri hemmhekk?

F’daqqa waħda jinfetaħ ġenb. Jista’ jkun hemm xi ħaġa ġewwa?

X’jista’ jkun hemm ġewwa? Jew, aktar minn dan, min jista’ jkun hemm ġewwa?

Hermit hija prestazzjoni immaġinattiva dwar dar żgħira ħafna. Sidha mhuwiex id-dar. Iżda nistgħu nisimgħuh… Prestazzjoni dwar meta nkunu waħedna u meta naslu d-dar.


“(…) U fl-aħħar nett, għal kombinazzjoni kważi perfetta ta’ moviment u vuċi umana fit-teatru tat-tfal, m’hemmx bżonn li wieħed iħares lil hinn mill-ispettaklu umoristiku eċċellenti ta’ Simone De Jong Hermit, għal tfal ta’ bejn sentejn u sitt snin. Fuq il-palk, hemm kaxxa li fil-verità tkun id-dar ta’ xi ħadd; iżda fi stil proprju tal-lockdown, il-persuna li tgħix hemm saret eremita, u ma tieħu pjaċir xejn li daqqet il-qanpiena tad-dar. Fuq din l-idea sempiċi, De Jong u l-artist Toon Kuijpers jibdu spettaklu sabiħ ħafna ta’ 40 minuta li jinvolvi lit-tfal fl-udjenza bis-sħiħ f’interazzjoni importanti u mimlija daħq mal-eremita fuq il-palk; fi prestazzjoni li tippreżenta bis-sħiħ il-ferħ tal-Festival tat-Tfal ta’ din is-sena, u l-kwalità enormi tax-xogħol dirett li jidher fih, wara sentejn twal ta’ lockdown.” – The Scotsman

Cast and Creative Team

Producer: Simone de Jong Company
Actor : Toon Kuijpers
Technician: Jacques van Room
Creator & Director: Simone de Jong
Scenography: Erik Begemann
Music: Max Gramser