Age: 2 – 4

  • Friday 18th November 2022 | 16:30
  • Saturday 19th November 2022 | 10:30, 12:30, 17:00
  • Sunday 20th November 2022 | 11:30, 17:00


40 minutes


Manoel Theatre Studio

Adults €8
Children €5

Alma is a poetic and sensory journey through the four seasons, each with a different soul embodied in the objects and materials encountered by the protagonist.

Alma is a performance for young children based on object theatre and movement. Little ones will enjoy a production that features natural materials and examines the passage of time, in both an amusing and poetic way.

Alma huwa vjaġġ poetiku u sensorjali fl-erba’ staġuni, kull wieħed b’ruħ differenti inkorporata fl-oġġetti u l-materjali li jiltaqa’ magħhom il-protagonist.

Alma hija prestazzjoni għat-tfal żgħar ibbażata fuq it-teatru tal-oġġetti u l-moviment. Iċ-ċkejknin se jgawdu minn produzzjoni li fiha materjali naturali u li teżamina l-mogħdija taż-żmien, kemm b’mod divertenti kif ukoll poetiku.

Cast and Creative Team

Original Idea, Creation and Interpretation: Anna Ros

Stage and Puppets: Martí Doy and LaBú Theatre

Costume Design: Victoria Cretenze and Iztok Hgra

Music and Sound Design: Marcel Fabregat and Joel Condal

Light Design: Sergi Illa

Photography: Arian Botey and Jordi Boixareu

Video: Julian Waisbord

Graphic Design: Roser Padrés and Andrea Contreras