Coco The Singer, The Chocolate Finger

Age: 8 – 10

  • Saturday 26th November | 16:00
  • Sunday 27th November | 11:00


25 minutes


The Malta Book Festival, MFCC

Adults €8
Children €5

Coco the Singer, The Chocolate Finger follows Coco age forty, alone at home with just her flowers for company. Her desperate times had called for drastic measures. What she needed was a makeover. If she were as beautiful and radiant as she had been in her younger years, her popularity would surely return. She heard about the Teabags and their magic potions, ‘Whatever the flaw, illuminice tea has the cure’, claimed their famous slogan. Would it hurt just to ask and find out? From the tale of Andrew Rausi’s book The Rise of the Baker’s Dozen.

Coco the Singer, The Chocolate Finger issegwi lil Coco erbgħin sena, waħedha d-dar, bi fjura biss bħala kumpanija. Kienu żminijiet iddisprati għaliha u għalhekk kellha tieħu miżuri drastiċi. Dak li kellha bżonn kien makeover. Kieku kienet sabiħa u radjanti daqskemm kienet ftit snin ilu, il-popolarità tagħha żgur terġa’ lura. Hi semgħet dwar it-Teabags u x-xorb maġiku tagħhom: ‘Ikun xi jkun id-difett, it-te “illuminice” għandu l-kura’, sostna s-slogan famuż tagħhom. Mhux ser tweġġaʼ billi tistaqsi u ssir taf biss? Mir-rakkont tal-klieb tal-ktieb ta’ Andrew Rausi The Rise of the Baker’s Dozen.

Cast and Creative Team

Choreographer and Producer: Pamela Kerr

Music Composition and Arrangement: Sean Borg

Author and Dramaturgy: Andrew Rausi